Spell of the Week

Hello, Folks!

I can’t believe we’re almost to the longest day of the year, Litha! It seems like only a week ago that our seemingly endless Upper Midwest winter gave way to an instant summer, and now we already find ourselves on the brink of our descent from the sun. Luckily, we still have a good few months left of warm weather and sun ahead of us. Even so, the time for introspection and shedding that which doesn’t serve us is upon us, and I have just the spell for the occasion, my Minor Spell of Emancipation.

This spell is designed to assist one in letting go of whatever is burdening them so that they may begin again without the worry that accompanies a burden. A burden can be anything: a person, place, time period, object, etc. Whichever it is, if you’re truly ready to let it go, this spell will help you cut it from your life. Mind you, this isn’t an effortless cure-all. You must put energy and effort into letting it go and just like with any magick, your intention must be pure and unhesitant. Doing this spell without the intention of truly letting go will not result in you wanting to let it go. In fact, having brought it to the forefront of your mind, you may find your attempt has backfired and your sense of attachment has renewed.

Minor Spell of Emancipation


  • An item to represent whatever it is that you’re letting go, it must be an item that you don’t mind losing
  • Relaxing bath salts or disk, dependent upon whether you’re bathing or showering
  • Preferred tools for setting up Circle
  • Incense that makes you feel empowered
  • A bag that your item will fit in
  • Black, red or silver ribbon to seal the bag (opt’l)
  • Depending on your method of disposal:
    • A fire pit and fire
    • A shovel
    • An icebox
  • Cakes and Ale for grounding


The Spell

Run yourself as hot of a bath [shower] that you can stand. As it runs, add in 2 – 4 scoops of the bath salts [if showering, add in your shower disk]. As the tub is filling up [shower is warming up], bring to the forefront of your mind what EXACTLY it is that you need to let go of.

Once the tub is full [shower is heated], submerge yourself into the ritual bath [shower]. Feel the warmth and comfort of the water while it opens your pores, both physical and spiritual, and draws out the toxins within. Give your worries, fears, and anxieties up to the water; let it take them. To help you release the negativities, repeat the following chant until you feel ready and clear:

I’m letting it go.
Releasing myself from negativity,
Purifying my spirit and
Filling myself with love and positivity.”

Once you feel clear, exit the tub [shower] and dry off, wiping away the last of your worries. Watch as the water drains, taking all those negative emotions & thoughts with it. Let it all go. When the tub is finished draining, seal the action with a firm “So mote it be.” At this time, you may either get dressed or proceed as is, choose whichever makes you most comfortable.

Gather your spell contents. Set up your circle, or sacred space, however you would normally do so. It’s time to begin.

Light the incense you’ve chosen. Take a moment to fully appreciate its scent and feel the empowerment it offers you. When you’re ready, pick up the item that represents what you’re letting go of. Hold it in your hands and feel its weight. It’s the weight of the burden it places on you. Meditate while holding it. Pay it homage and acknowledge how it once served you. Then think about all the reasons you need to let it go. Allow yourself to come to terms with its parting. Now it’s time to say goodbye.

Holding the item in your right hand, or projective hand, chant the following incantation until you truly feel ready to let it go.

“I free you from my life,
Release you from my grasp.
May I feel peace at your parting,
Finding freedom at long last.”

End your chant with a resounding, “So mote it be.”

Place the item in the bag and seal it with the ribbon, if you have it, taking care to knot it 3 times. Bring it to where you plan on disposing of it and do so [safe place for a fire if burning it, a place you can dig if burying it, or a freezer if you’re putting it on ice]. While disposing of it, say”

“Your time has ended in my life.
I [bury/burn/freeze] you and all your strife.
I am finished, so away you go.
By the power of my ancestors,
Lord and Lady, may it be so.”

Seal your spell with the trine cross.

Now that you’re empty of the burden, fill its spot in your heart, mind, and soul with love. Love yourself in whatever way you deem fit. When you’re finished, ground yourself with Cakes and Ale and close circle.

I hope that you find this spell useful. I know that I’m happy to share it with you all. If you have any questions or need any clarification, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or fill out the below contact form.

May you enjoy the rest of your evening!

From your friendly Village Witch,


P.S. Anybody that signs up to follow my blog, and receive E-mail notifications of my posts, will receive a printable of the above spell for their Book of Shadows! Blessed Be my Witches!

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